End Of The Road?

By Jeffrey the Barak.

This magazine, which looks like a blog, but was originally a magazine, went online in July 2000. It was one of the earliest online magazines.

I am considering pulling the plug and closing down the URL between now and the autumn of 2024, so if you have written works still published here, or have a favorite article you occasionally return to, it is a good time to save the text and pictures to your local drive for posterity.

At one time there were thousands of readers every day. The Internet was still a new place to read articles. In today’s world the majority of people prefer short snippets on social media or videos on YouTube, and not many people stop by the-vu or similar magazines/blogs anymore. Some days see almost no visitors.

Just to simplify life in general, the-vu is a venture that can be removed from my portfolio of questionable or obscure projects, and so when it comes time to renew hosting, registration etc., I will most likely wave goodbye to a quarter-century of expression via this site and remove it from the universe.

Perhaps someone will notice. Perhaps not.

Publisher and founder,

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